
Sunday, 22 August 2010

What's coming up...

Just to let the billions of followers know that possibly two very good updates coming soon. Firstly we're visiting the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon this coming week then on the following weekend photographer Dwight McCann (click on name to see his work) has kindly allowed me to use his studio to take some portrait shots of my sister Sadaf and her husband James.
Dwight is an amazing photographer and character and very kind with helping me learn more about photography and the amount of equipment he has is mind blowing!

Finally I've included a picture of a local lad made good here in Lompoc. Rory is a drum major and has been selected to represent his school, Lompoc, and indeed the US in the New Years Parade in London. At seventeen it's his first trip to London and as you can imagine he is very excited. His mother Darlene is naturally very proud of him.
He is currently raising money for the trip and I wish him the best of luck, I hope to see him at the parade. Here he is with his mother and younger sister Cecilia:

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